Listening to music through a small gadget that usually called MP3 player or even iPod has becoming a habit these days. But, if you want to listen to it while thunderbolts strikes it could be very dangerous. A man in Vancouver, Canada, recently had an accident that caused him to loose his hearing senses forever. His eardrums (Tympanic Membrane) are damaged while he was listening to the music from his iPod when it was raining and thunderbolt occurred. This accident happened because the earphone that connected to the iPod got struck by the thunderbolt. The cable that connects the iPod to the earphone, so you can hear music, actually delivers electrical component from the lightning. This electrical component caused scars in both parts of the jaw and damaged the eardrums.
Mendengarkan musik lewat sebuah alat kecil yang akrab disebut MP3 player atau bahkan iPod sudah biasa sekarang. Tapi kalau kamu mendengarkannya pada saat petir saling menyambar bisa berbahaya! Seorang laki-laki di Vancouver Kanada, baru-baru ini ,megalami luka yang membuat pendengarannya cacat. Gendang telinganya pecah saat ia mendengarkan musik lewat iPod waktu cuaca hujan dan banyak petir. Hal ini disebabkan iPod yang dikenakannya tersambar petir.
Kabel yang menghubungkan musik dari iPod agar dapat terdengar oleh telinga menghantarkan listrik dari sambaran petir. Listrik ini kemudian menyebabkan bekas luka bakar di kedua bagian rahang dan memecahkan gendang telinga.
Sumber : Fantasi Kids