Although jellyfish live in ocean, they are not fish. So, what are jellyfish, then?
Jellyfish are marine invertebrates. They can be found in every ocean in the world and in some fresh water. They eat small fish and planktons.
Jellyfish don’t have any head, brain, heart, eyes and ears. But jellyfish have many tentacles. Each tentacle has poisonous, stinging wells. Jellyfish use these tentacles to catch and string their prey.

There are more than 2,000 species of jellyfish in this world. They range in size from about 2.5 cm to 61 m long. Some of them are cute enough to be put in sea water aquarium. Some of them are captured to be cooked as food in

Beberapa jenis ditangkap untuk dijadikan makanan di Cina dan Jepang. Tetapi beberapa jenis ubur-ubur berbahaya bagi manusia.
Contohnya adalah ubur-ubur kotak (Chinorex Fleckeri). Ubur-ubur kotak ini dapat ditemukan di lautan dan pantai-pantai di utara

If you get stung by a jellyfish, don’t panic. Give this first aid :
- Don’t rub the skin
- Apply some vinegar (if possible)
- Remove any tentacle that is stuck
- Pour warm water on trough affected skin
- Go see a doctor immediatly.
Jika kamu tersengat ubur-ubur, jangan panik. Lakukanlah pertolongan pertama seperti ini :
- Jangan menggaruk kulit
- Beri cuka (jika mungkin)
- Angkat tentakel yang tersangkut
- Tuangkan air hangat pada kulit yang tersengat.
- Segera pergi ke dokter.
Sumber : C’nS Junior