This shrimp can grow well on temperatures between 22-25 Celcius. This tiny shrimp classified as a sensitive to temperature change and water composition creature. Its main food is algae. The hatched red crystal shrimp larva is transparant but it’s already shape like a well developed shrimp as a camouflage.
After 24 hours of hatching, the red crystal shrimp larva will change its skin which is an important step for a shrimp. The mother will take care of the kids although sometimes some of the mothers eat their kids too. Only the first 2 weeks old who survive then became a fully grown shrimp.
Ussually thee red crystal shrimp will change its color to attract their future mate. The red crystal shrimp can reproduce when they reach 4.5 until 5 months with 2.2 cm size. Unfortunetly it’s quite difficult to differentiate the red crystal sexual organs especially the young ones.
Makanan utama udang kristal ini ganggang, baik yang dewasa maupun anaknya. Larva udang kristal merah yang baru menetas berwarna transparan. Namun bentuknya sudah menyerupai udang dewasa yang berguna sebagai kamuflase.
Udang kristal merah satu jenis udang yang baru teridentifikasi pada 1996 oleh Hisayasu Suzuki dari Jepang. Sebenarnya udang yang bernama Latin Caridina Serrata ini memiliki saudara dari jenis yang sama, yaitu udang kristal biru dan oranye.
Sumber : Fantasi Kids